September 19th, 2017

Response to Thurlow & Bell and Gibson

I really enjoyed reading Gibson's poem "AGRIPPA" from A Book of the Dead. It was a nice change of pace from all the scholarly articles we've been reading. I specifically found the very last line of his poem, "laughing, in the mechanism" extremely interesting. The whole poem really spoke to an older time, an older society. But as the poem goes on, he crafts it in a way that ages, as if the way society has changed, with it's new buildings and technologies. At least that's what I got from it, a contrast from an old world and a new world (or at least new for back then). 

Thurlow & Bell's article was moreso a reiteration of what we have been discussing in class. Some people aren't very gung-ho on technology and educating students on it. But in reality, our world is heading towards a very technology-integrated place. I'm sure soon enough there will be a technology for everything that handwriting things and paper will become obsolete. I do think it'll happen eventually, but that's kind of just how our species moves forward. We create and adapt. I also thought this was interesting: ". . . ways young people, particularly those facing challenging circumstances, are using 'new' communication technologies in meaningful, creative ways." This reminded me a lot of what we will be doing for our capstone project. 
