September 14th, 2017

Response to ACRL

Information literacy is defined as "a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information" and "is increasingly important in the contemporary environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information resources." The ACRL article also mentions that information literacy "forms the basis for lifelong learning." So in basic terms: knowing how to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively puts you ahead and probably makes you very wanted in the workplace. As you hone that skill, it helps you with your future endeavors as well, thus, "lifelong learning." Problem solving, comprehension, etc., are all part of that.

The article also points out that information literacy and information technology go hand in hand. This is something that I can really agree with, because not only is it important in the workplace for people to understand information that is presented to them, they also have to be able to adapt as technology adapts. Our society is very technology centered and I don't think that's ever going to go away, it's only going to be more and more incorporated into our everyday lives. So it's important to keep learning new technologies that come out, so that you aren't left behind. Employers want people that "keep up with the times," people who keep learning and stay educated. Because if the workers fall behind, the company falls behind too. This kind of scenario brings AIM to mind, which was extremely popular in the late 90s when texting wasn't all the rage. AIM is now shutting down forever- there's just no use for chatting online anymore when everyone has a phone to text with. It's just quicker and more accessible.

Information literacy and higher education was another topic of interest for me in this article. We've discussed this in class before, about how technology isn't part of the classroom enough. How some students arrive to college and have never really been face to face with complex technology before. When everything is going towards technology, you have to educate the people who will take the places of older generations in the workforce- they need to stay current on these technologies.
