Capstone Project: Idea

For my Capstone Project, I would like to work with the chapbook I handmade last semester. I decided not to scan it in because I don't think scanned pages on my blog would do it justice, so I will be bringing it into class tomorrow.

A chapbook is a small book of original written work; it can be handmade or it can be put through a press for quicker replication. My chapbook was created for Dr. Muench's Intermediate Creative Writing course. We spent all semester learning about poetry writing techniques as well as doing various writing activities to help craft our own poetry. We were required to handmake thirteen copies to trade amongst peers.

The chapbook designs were up to each of our individual tastes, but the design had to encapsulate the words inside our chapbooks somehow. We were required to create a critical forward, table of contents, and some of us made an acknowledgements page as well. All in all, our chapbooks had to be no less than ten pages long, with the majority of it being original work of course.

I decided to use watercolor paper to construct my chapbook. Each page was hand painted, which added up to 130 pages total. It took a very long time, I think around two to three full days. But it was important to me that I used watercolor. The theme of my chapbook dealt a lot with mental illness (specifically depression). Depression changes and take different forms; there are good days and bad days. I thought watercolor represented this well because each chapbook I painted never looked the same as the next. I added a dark profile of a person with the brain visible (all illustration, not realistic) to complete the cover.

Inside are my favorite pieces I wrote during the course, including a cento, bouts-rime, and villanelle. I'm really proud of this project and would love to do more with it, I'm just not sure how else to improve it in terms of the Capstone Project. I think it would be interesting to turn my chapbook into an e-book, though I have no clue how I would go about that. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
