Capstone Project: Proposal

You can find a detailed description of the original project that I will be recreating here.

For my capstone project, I will be transforming my handmade chapbook from last semester's Intermediate Creative Writing class into a kind of interactive e-book. I will be incorporating visuals, graphics, designs, maybe even short videos, etc. alongside my original poetry in a way that makes the whole project one cohesive piece. For example, for my "Moth" poem, I'd like the outline of a moth to somehow surround the poem, with the outside of it being black. Other poems may have graphics I created in Photoshop or Indesign. Overall, I'd really like to accentuate a sort of free-flowing feeling in the way that each piece and image bleeds into the next. I'm not quite sure how I'll do this yet.

As far as the interactive aspect goes, I'd like to use hyperlinking. For example, for my cento poem, I borrowed lines from other poets. I would hyperlink to their full poems, as a more expansive and interactive way of giving them credit for their work (rather than just typing out a list). Readers would be exposed to not only my poem, but also to poetry which may have inspired my poem. In essence, this allows readers to come up with many different meanings behind my poem. Expansion is the point here, which is also what I think the point of this project is.

In order to meet a longer page requirement, I would need to produce more original poetry, or refine poetry I wrote long ago. I think the main program I will use for my interactive e-book is Muse, since you can easily hyperlink. It's meant for creating websites, but I think I could make great use out of it. And of course, I will be using Photoshop and/or Indesign to create graphics that will go along with my poems.

I would like to request the assistance and expertise of two faculty advisors. For the creative writing and planning of my interactive e-book, I think Dr. Simone Muench would be a great help. She can assist me with brainstorming how I want my project to look, maybe even give me feedback on new poems that I might have to write. For the actual creation of my interactive e-book in Muse, Photoshop, and Indesign, I think Hayley Miller from the communications department would be a good fit. She's very knowledgeable in all those programs, and while I know a little, I'm still learning.
