Capstone Project: Progress Report

With the week off class to work on our projects, I was able to get a lot of prep work done for my digital chapbook. Specifically, I met with both my advisors and made some very important decisions. Dr. Muench and I discussed what program I might use for digitizing my chapbook, whether that'd be with a free program online or one of the Adobe programs. We decided it would be best to check with my other advisor first, Hayley Miller, before making this decision, however, we were able to bounce off some ideas for the overall look of my digital chapbook (like digital watercolor backgrounds). Dr. Muench also lent me some poetry books to draw inspiration from when I go to write new poems for my project. She also made sure to let me know that I shouldn't make this document public if I want to publish my work in literary magazines, otherwise they would not take them.

When I met with Hayley, we decided that I should use InDesign for digitizing my chapbook. She showed me some different options and settings and it looks like I can do everything I want to do if I use this program. We plan to work more with this program tomorrow (11/7). She said that it would be fairly easy to digitize everything once I had all my materials together. Which brings me to my biggest problem.

Writing new poetry has not been easy, and I suppose it's my own fault for being my own worst critic. I have 6 poems from my handmade chapbook, and if I want to meet the requirements for my project, I would need to write at least 9 more original poems. Dr. Simone would provide me feedback and poem exercises, which is great, but the problem is time. Between writing 6 new poems and the actual designing of my digital chapbook, I just don't see how I will finish my project on time with only a month left of the semester.
